Selasa, 18 Agustus 2015

Cara Membuat Kue Nastar Rasa Keju & Gambar Lengkap

Cara Membuat Kue Nastar Rasa Keju & Gambar Lengkap - Indonesia is known as a country that has a variety of delicious dishes and mouthwatering. And one of these delicious dishes are sauteed papaya flower. Besides being very tasty, stir-fry the flowers and leaves of papaya is also a healthy cuisine and has many health benefits also beauty. Basically, to make the stir fry papaya flowers is easy. Here are some materials that need to be prepared and how to cook papaya flowers.

75 grams of fresh papaya flowers
1 papaya leaves (try the young)
20 grams of anchovies or anchovies (according to taste)
Sugar (to taste)
Salt to taste)
3 cloves garlic (crushed)
5 spring onions (puree)
10 cayenne pepper (sliced ​​oblique)
1 tablespoon tamarind
Right amount of oil)
Water (enough to boil the flowers and leaves of papaya)
2 lime leaves
How To Make

Wash the papaya flowers and leaves of papaya with clean water, then boiled with water. Add tamarind in the water to boil. Boil until wilted approximately for 15 minutes then remove and drain. Cut papaya into small pieces to taste.
Squeeze flowers and leaves of papaya papaya or do in this way so that the interest of papaya is not bitter.
Wash anchovies or anchovies and fry until crispy. Set aside while.
Next, heat the oil and saute the ingredients until fragrant.
Put a little salt and sugar and papaya papaya flower together.
Stir until all ingredients are well blended. Add lime leaves and add anchovies or anchovies. Pour a little water and cook until all ingredients and spices to infuse wilted.
Sauté ripe papaya flowers and delicious and healthy dishes is ready to be served.
Ladies, that's the recipe to make a delicious sauteed papaya flower and healthy. How, recipes are very easy does not it? Do not forget to make this dish and present it to the beloved family yes. Sauteed papaya flower will be very tasty when served with warm rice. Good luck.

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